I have decided to do a facebook detox.
Although I love the reconnecting and networking I have been able to do with it I find it gnaws insatiably at my valuable time. Time that will never return. It is just a little too reminiscent of high school with its pettiness paired with barbed comments, and status updates. So many souls {though definitely not all!} seeking validation.
In general, it is a rather curious website by which we can creep and sneak into other's lives and base opinions and comparisons upon our findings. Some people are able to find a balance, but for others it becomes an strange addiction to status updates and what lost friends are doing in their spare time. For me, it is the latter of the two and I can't seem to stay away from the mind numbing crack that is facebook.
I may return to it or I may not. I am committed to 21 days without it and see how I feel after the lame-ass drug is out of my system. It is a rather daunting task to stay in touch without facebook. After all, I don't even have the email addresses of one third of my friends and I don't do the telephone {though if I had one like this, perhaps I would be more inclined}. But it is a tad bit sad if we are merely friends with others because it is effortless isn't it?
I must admit that it is a freeing feeling. Like finally removing a cumbersome piece of furniture from your space.
As for today...
Today is a grey day perfect for making hankerchief Christmas gifts and perusing my new books Carefree Clothes for Girls and Linen Cotton and Wool .
Today, the streets and earth are drunk and fat with rain making the remaining orange and yellow leaves pop out of the otherwise muted landscape.
Today I signed up for a photography night course that focuses on natural and artificial lighting. It begins tomorrow evening.
Today I will stop living in terms of status updates and replace negative with positive.
Today, the wind smells like freshly churned soil.
Today is for making apple crisp while listening to audio books.
Today I remember the quote "Your opinion of me is none of my business".
Today, it ends with me.
Fantastic post.
I feel the same way about facebook, but I too am daunted about how I to communicate without it.
Some friends prefer it to email & I'd be afraid we'd find it harder to get in touch.
Sigh. Makes me sad to think of really. I don't like talking on the phone either.
Someday I'll find a balance... messenger pigeons, perhaps.
Posted by: Desiree Fawn | 10/27/2009 at 11:22 AM
I took a FB fast last year. I did return, but never again did I feel ensnared. I am sure you will find this pause freeing. As for your "As for today..." plans, you write pure poetry, my dear.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 10/27/2009 at 11:41 AM
This is a wonderful post, and is really making me think about my own interaction on FB. Thanks for the pause to consider how I can use my time to relate well.
Posted by: Missy K | 10/27/2009 at 11:42 AM
Facebook is garbage and yes, its high school. Well, the people (not all) who use facebook are the ones who make it high school. However its a great networking tool.
Take out all the personal stuff and use it for work etc and its not bad. :)
Posted by: Nev | 10/27/2009 at 12:00 PM
I've had similar thoughts for awhile about facebook. It's so hard to leave it though, isn't it. I'm excited to read an update on how this goes for you.
Posted by: Kelly | 10/27/2009 at 12:13 PM
I have taking a FB hiatus in the past. I no longer feel drawn to it like before. I still pop in to read what friends have been doing. Sometimes they post great links or pics.
Good luck. You will feel much better and more conscious of your time after taking a break from it.
Posted by: Lesa | 10/27/2009 at 02:46 PM
Strange timing - I just saved a blog post which needs photos added when I'm finished work, and some your "today..." comments echo my "What I'm loving right now" post.
As for Facebook, your post is an excellent reminder of why I never joined in the first place... sounds horrible! Nice one for shifting your focus to more wholesome and life-affirming pursuits!
Posted by: Andrea | 10/27/2009 at 03:30 PM
I did a computer/facebook detox a couple of years ago during lent. It was wonderful and gave me great clarity! I'm thinking it might be time for another.
Posted by: jessica | 10/27/2009 at 04:09 PM
WOW Erin. It has been weeks since I have blogged and yet my first post back yesterday was about some "mama drama" that I ran into via facebook! I am constantly amazed how we can live so far apart and have never met, but yet eerily, share many of the same thoughts at similar times...
Yes, validation, yes, easy connections, yes, lost precious time. I never feel like I have lost time when I am reading one of the bloggs I enjoy, or getting together with a friend so that is where I am focusing my energies.
Hope all is well!
Posted by: http://mysweetbabu.typepad.com | 10/28/2009 at 07:08 AM
Wow - that quote really intrigues me! Where did you come across it - in what context, I wonder? Such a good boundary helper notion!
Posted by: Kristine | 10/28/2009 at 10:27 AM
I like this Dr. Seuss quote...
'Be who you are and say what you mean because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind! ' :)
I have a love/hate relationship with facebook. I keep it very positive on my personal page (for the most part) and hate the negative energy of people who resent me for it, for being 'too nice' or too socially concerned or whatever. Stupid Staten Island. Oh well. I ought to give it up for a spell too, but really...I use it as a practical tool in my life for communication, event planning etc. Ack.
You're on fire and I love it! And you're beautiful! xoxo
Posted by: Annette | 10/28/2009 at 07:04 PM
I know what you mean about Facebook. I am trying to do less of it too, all though I will never delete it, because its a great way to "find" people you need to find - classmates to ask for homework, someone you know who might be able to recommend an accompanist, etc... and occasionally people seem to have need of me, too.
Posted by: Ana | 10/30/2009 at 07:19 PM
there were big handfuls of goodies in this post, and lots of thoughts that intrigued me...but...the one that got me to comment was my question about handkerchief christmas gifts...can you say more? i've got some of my grandpa's old hankies that i've been saving till i found the right way to use them...i'd love to hear what you're doing...
Posted by: rae | 11/04/2009 at 10:45 PM
Here, here. I got off the Facebook bandwagon months ago and haven't missed it one iota. Amazing, how much more time I have.
Hope you're doing well with your FB sabbatical.
Posted by: Asiyah | 11/16/2009 at 04:58 PM