To My Dearest and Oldest of Souls Poppy Anne;
One year ago today we found out we were expecting you. One year ago today, we sat in the upstairs hallway counting the seconds, smiling nervous smiles, while a pee stick sat waiting on the bathroom counter with its answer. One year ago today, as the awkward kid named Allen with red hair and pants that were too short mowed our jungle lawn, daddy and I hugged, laughed and shrieked in disbelief that your life had already begun. You were on your way and we were going to be your parents.
We spent many days and nights talking about what you might look like or who you may act like, but we never could have imagined the perfection that you are. Is it even possible that you are more perfect than out hearts' desires?
Tomorrow you are going to be sixteen weeks old and we have been told you are an old soul {as if we didn't already know}. Your eyes and demeanor are that of an old, calm soul. You are teaching us things we haven't learned in our 29 and 31 years.
You have dark hair that kinks and waves when it gets wet and a big bald spot on the back of your head that squeaks it is so hairless. You love bath time with mommy and are always upset when daddy takes you out. You are tolerant and content most days, though there are those when you need to be held a little more, assured one more time, and showed things from our height,so I stop what I am doing to honour that; knowing that your days of growing independence loom close.
You love to eat, and gain weight like its your job. You have been wearing 6 month outfits for about a month now. You love to be held, but not scrunched. You like to stand up and look out on your wild and wonderful world; drink it all in. You love new places and spend many hours in quiet alertness; until hunger strikes at which time you break into a very dramatic and heart wrenching cry if we miss the early signs and signals. Though you sometimes catch your thumb to suck on, you prefer your fingers, often two or three at a time. Your eyes are still like big blueberries rimmed with long luscious lashes. Daddy knows he is yours to wrap around your tiny little finger. You fidget and grunt when you're tired like your daddy. You spend most of your day smiling and on the verge of a giggle; oh how we wait for that first giggle.
We are quite sure, though some may say we are biased, that you are the coolest, chillest baby there ever was and ever will be. Daddy and I have a deep love for each other that we now share with you. We vow to show you and act from that love everyday.
You have awakened the mama bear inside of me and made me realize that all of the cliches are true; I would give my life to save yours; time does go too fast; and I would stop at nothing to ease your pain. You have given me new strength and resolve to be everything I have been putting off; my every action since that fateful day exactly one year ago has been for you and will continue to be.
Thank you for choosing us and teaching us the way beautiful baby bird; our wise and wonderful Poppy Anne. We are blessed.
Love Always,
mama bird & papa bird
P.S. MIZPAH ::God keep watch 'tween thee and me::
So lovely, thanks for sharing this.
I began writing a note to my kiddos on their birthdays each year a while back...I've tried to read them to my son, but he says they are too long! : ) I can't wait to give them to them when they are older...I hope one day my memoirs will bring them as much joy as they have brought me.
Posted by: | 06/11/2009 at 01:25 PM
I didn't realize how young your baby is! How incredibly adorable! I must knit something for her! I can't resist. There are no babies around for me, but the time will come soon enough. There was no such thing as blogs 19 years ago, but I wrote down every funny thing that came from their innocent mouths! We have such fun looking back.
a. It is reassuring to me to hear that your boy says your words are too long. My words are always too long as well. It is so hard for me to remember that they must keep moving...never enough time for the mush! That's what boys are about ;]
Posted by: Lisa Stone | 06/11/2009 at 05:57 PM
what a beautiful reflection.
it brought back such lovely memories for me. thank you.
Posted by: exhale. return to center. | 06/11/2009 at 06:09 PM
beautiful words. beautiful photo.
Posted by: jennifer | 06/11/2009 at 06:35 PM
that was the sweetest note a daughter could ever get.
Posted by: Denise | 06/11/2009 at 07:06 PM
simply beautiful. What a precious baby you have; from the sounds of it, three beautiful souls have been brought together. Some things are right with the world :)
Posted by: Theresa | 06/11/2009 at 07:26 PM
This letter is lovely and so heartfelt...Poppy will treasure it for always. Thank you for sharing your words!
Posted by: jessica | 06/11/2009 at 08:49 PM
Just beautiful...what a treasure this will be for her to discover and read when she is older!
Posted by: earthycraftymommy | 06/11/2009 at 09:33 PM
Beautiful...and yes, I am crying. ;)
Posted by: JoAnn | 06/12/2009 at 09:26 AM
how sweet! i just came across your blog & i adore the path you're on - i'm on one quite similar :)
Posted by: effie | 06/12/2009 at 02:51 PM
They truly are amazing beings and teach us much more than we will ever teach them.
Posted by: Jamie | 06/13/2009 at 09:45 AM
your girl is truly beautiful.
i have a beautiful little girl, too.
she and i are melancholy souls. as in, thoughtful and introspective. we sure know how to smile and have fun, though. like your poppy.
keep loving on your husband and your little girl.
blessings to you.
Posted by: elizabeth | 06/13/2009 at 11:13 PM
So sweet Erin. I thought Poppy Anne was older...I so enjoyed that period with Tristan, as you are with your daughter. Every age has it's own loveliness. All we can do is enjoy each moment as it comes, because they do come and go all too quickly.
Posted by: gennysent | 06/15/2009 at 09:39 AM
So lovely, so beautiful. I cried.
Posted by: Ana | 06/18/2009 at 09:57 AM
sucha beautiful note ... so perfect!
Posted by: kp | 07/02/2009 at 10:19 AM